The country's best ruins on the agenda

 05-31-21, Monday

The Chamber of Commerce here must have a lot of pull with the weather gods!  It's always spectacular outside!  Breakfast is from 7:00 to 10:00 so we probably can make that!

The breakfast buffet is even more sumptuous than at the Frangiorgio!  But this is a larger, four-star hotel with three swimming pools, a spa and work out facilities, and a full restaurant!  I never thought of smoked mackerel for breakfast, but it's way better than bacon!  I'm starving by nine, so Ammar sends me on ahead while he has his first cup of wake-up juice.  When you check in with the hostess you receive a pair of plastic gloves to wear as you go through the buffet's several stations.  I think you're supposed to keep them, because the sign on the elevator reminds you to wear your mask and gloves!

After breakfast we go down to the -0 floor and make reservations for aromatherapy full-body massages for this afternoon!  

They made up our bed while we were gone!  She made excellent use of what she found lying around!

Then we go back upstairs to prepare for our day's adventures.  The desk clerk calls us a cab and we are driven out to the  Kourion Aracheological Site.  Apparently most people just want to see the theatre and the mosaics, so our driver thinks a half hour is sufficient.  He doesn't get it.  There is a whole lot more to this site, and we settle on one hour.  I'm the one who wants to explore and photograph, so after the theatre and mosaics, Ammar chats with the driver while I hike up and down and across the street!  I didn't look at my phone for the time;  but I've been scooting right along and I come back right on time!  Good thing, too, because the driver kept saying, "I hope she's not late!"  And Ammar assured him that he knows me and there's no problem!  Glad I didn't make him look bad!

The theatre is used in the summer for concerts and plays.  You can see the lights if you look closely.

                                                   It's such a beautiful location, right on the water.

                                 The walkways and protective coverings are very-well maintained.

                                                   This is called "the earthquake house".

                                                   This reminds me of the Cliffs of Moher.

Ammar's been eager to check out the casino here and the driver delivers us to the door.  The best part for me is that no smoking is allowed!  We spend our allotted cash, and we're outta here! They don't even have a coffee shop or free beverages or anything!  Not much like our casinos at home.  Of course there are none in Jordan!  By the end of the year there will be a brand new, huge casino and resort here in Limassol, right on the water. It's called City of Dream Mediterranean and is owned by the same company as the one we visit. Our driver says they are employing two hundred people for the construction, which has been delayed by COVID, just like everything else.

The MyMall is walking distance from the casino and we go check it out, since it is advertised everywhere.  It's exactly what you'd expect from an upscale mall.  Mark and Spencers, Zara, Guess, The Colors of Benetton, etc.  But there's an espresso bar with WIFI!  Ammar gets his double shot and I have a small (it really isn't!) cappuccino while Ammar gets some work done.  There is good news from Mohammad, so that's always a plus!

The cab stand is right outside our little "office" and there is a young man just waiting for us.  He tells us that he is the youngest driver in the fleet and that he owns the gorgeous car!  He delivers us back to the Ajax with time for showers before our massages.  (I could get used to this life style!  Cabs everywhere, massages, dinner out!  Someone else picking up the tab!)

I go down to the spa first, for the 3:30 appointment, change my clothes and leave them in my locker, and am greeted by Tatiana.  She is a strongly built blond lady with almost sufficient English but really suuperb hands!!  The hour flies by!  I go out to the resting area with a pot of peppermint tea and find that Ammar is there, already in his bathrobe after having enjoyed the sauna and jacuzzi.  After a short break, Tatiana is ready to work her magic on him and i go back to our room to work on the blog!  Timing is everything!

When Ammar comes back we both agree that Tatiana is wonderful.  She told him that she's been a masseuse for forty years!  Figures he talked with her!  All I did was lie there and purr!  He's gone off, now to bring us back pizza for dinner!  It's been quite a day and we're not up for getting dressed and going out!  I'm hoping for mushrooms and onions, but who knows what Cypriot pizza might be!  Yet another adventure!  😁

Oh my goodness!  I think Ammar must have invited company for dinner!  Look how much food he's brought home!  Two entire pizzas and a baby one!  And fries with bar-b-que sauce! One pie has mushrooms and onions and the other is the same but with added cheddar! And since I didn't want Pepsi, he's brought me orange soda!  When's the last time I had pizza?  Not to mention orange soda!  I feel like a kid again!

Ammar read somewhere that the "egg" is a new apartment building.  But there's no place on the top for water tanks!  I wonder how they deal with that!

                                                             The skyline is changing!

                                                             So much new construction!

                                                             I'm newly attuned to mosaics

                                                                            Our balcony

We're on the side of the building away from the sunset;  but there is a lovely afterglow in the sky!  It's about time to head inside. We leave for Paphos in the morning.

OH!  They're setting off fireworks!

Wish I'd had time to grab the big camera!  They only lasted a couple of minutes!


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